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I have had some difficulty in making the under­mentioned calculations, but considered generally, the table represents pretty accurately the mean tempera­ture for ten recent years:

Buxton                                        45.2
Leamington                                  48.0
Cheltenham                                 48.3
Clifton                                         48.7
HARROGATE                                49.0
Torquay                                       49.8
Bath                                            50.3
Bournemouth                               50.3
Llandudno                                    50.5

In considering the various factors which conduce to the temperature of Harrogate, several items must be taken into consideration, jointly and severally. It is not fair, in reckoning the mean temperature of a health resort, to gauge it by one part of the year ­ that is, the summer (say from May till November), and the winter (from November till May). 

In the summer months, Harrogate requires no laudation as to dryness and sunshine; in the winter, it has more than its share. High altitudes, in winter, with dryness and sunshine, are all to the front in the present time, and Harrogate stands well. 

To be short, precise, and explanatory - "the mean temperature" may be the same in two places, and yet the thermal conditions in one place may be intolerable and unsuitable for delicate persons, and the other may be just as genial. 

The maximum temperatures of Harrogate are lower than in some Health Resorts in the South, but the readings of the minimum thermometer range higher generally, resulting in a coldness, which is more bearable - thus giving a temperature which is as tolerable as most of those places which claim to have warmer climates.


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